Reimagining Candidate Care: Tackling Retention Challenges in Recruitment

BY Sarah Almond   |  

In today's dynamic job market, a troubling trend has emerged: high candidate dropout rates before starting new positions and alarming employee turnover within the first three months. As the Candidate Care Manager at MBA, I've witnessed firsthand how these challenges impact both employers and job seekers. But I'm also proud to say that we've developed a solution that's making a real difference.

At MBA, we understand that changing jobs is more than just switching desks - it's a significant life transition filled with uncertainty. That's why we've crafted a comprehensive Candidate Care Programme designed to support individuals throughout their entire journey, from initial application to long after their first day on the job.

So, what sets our approach apart? It's all about connection, communication, and clarity. Here's how we're redefining the recruitment experience:

  • Streamlined Processes with Clear Expectations: We believe in transparency from day one. By clearly outlining each step of the recruitment process and what's expected at every stage, we eliminate guesswork and reduce anxiety for our candidates.

  • Proactive Communication: Gone are the days of candidates wondering, "What's next?" Our team takes the initiative, reaching out regularly to provide updates, answer questions, and offer support.

  • Consistent Follow-ups: We don't just check in once and disappear. Our dedicated team maintains regular contact, ensuring candidates feel valued and informed throughout their journey.

  • Setting Realistic Expectations: We paint an accurate picture of both the role and the company culture. By managing expectations upfront, we help ensure a better fit and increased job satisfaction down the line.

  • Candidate Experience as a Top Priority: Every touchpoint is an opportunity to make a positive impression. From user-friendly application systems to personalised interactions, we put the candidate's experience at the forefront of everything we do.

  • Engagement Beyond Day One: Our support doesn't end when a candidate accepts an offer. We provide pre-start guidance to ease the transition and continue check-ins well after the first day to help new employees settle into their roles.

By implementing these strategies, we've seen a marked decrease in pre-start dropouts and early-stage turnover.

Our stats speak for themselves:

  • 8% dropout rate during recruitment process (in comparison to the market’s 78% average for long and confusing processes)
  • 2% dropout rate after start date (in comparison to the 28-33% market average)


More importantly, we've received overwhelmingly positive feedback from candidates who feel supported, informed, and valued throughout their job search and onboarding process.

In an era where talent is at a premium, we believe that investing in candidate care isn't just good for business - it's the right thing to do. At MBA, we're committed to continually refining our approach, always with the goal of creating positive, lasting relationships with the talented individuals we serve.

As we look to the future, we're excited to keep pushing the boundaries of what exceptional candidate care can achieve. Because when candidates succeed, companies thrive, and that's a win-win for everyone in the world of recruitment.


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