Global Law Firm


MBA was brought onboard to provide a smooth and effective payrolling, onboarding and offboarding process for all PAYE/Contractor workers.

To offer our expert guidance and support to all workers during their assignment. To work in collaboration with the internal recruitment team & build a strong relationship with the company's supply chain to ensure a professional and timely service.



  • Migrate all contractor and PAYE workers from incumbent payroll provider and agencies, to streamline payroll processes.
  • Transfer the external agency relationships to MBA.
  • Provide smoother offboarding for all leavers, with clear instruction for actions.



  • Appoint a dedicated Contractor Care Team.
  • Implement 12-month agency tenure period, to deliver cost reduction during the course of worker’s contract.
  • Meetings held thrice weekly between MBA and Internal Recruitment team to align expectations and provide account summary.
  • Introduce a new leavers process, to facilitate between Internal Recruitment, IT and worker, to ensure clarity for offboarding actions.
  • Quality and Contractual Quarterly Reviews to track relationship and service level progress.



  • Smooth migration of 86 workers from incumbent provider in advance of new contract start date.
  • Processed onboarding and initiated payroll system access for 141 new starters.
  • Completed 455 extensions, completing paperwork and extending accesses.
  • Finalised offboarding processes for 148 leavers.
  • 138 graduate scheme placements onboarded and offboarded for specific campaigns.


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