Are you one of the 70% of people who deal with Imposter Syndrome?

BY Nicole Sopkovich   |  

Have you ever felt like you were just one step away from being exposed as a complete sham? Like your success is just a fluke, and someone will discover your truth any minute? If so, welcome to the surprisingly well-crowded club of “Imposter Syndrome” sufferers.

And here's the kicker: one of the main things Imposter Syndrome likes to whisper in your ear is that you don't deserve the opportunities you have. The job you worked hard for? It's totally a fluke, says that persistent little voice in your head. But here's the truth: that voice is just messing around. You earned your place, and you deserve to be there.

Don’t spiral into self-doubt again. Let us unpack this phenomenon together. We will define what “Imposter Syndrome” actually is, explore its sneaky disguise, and uncover that you are exactly where you’re meant to be!

Think of this as your own personal roadmap, helping you understand the Imposter within and, most importantly, reclaiming your confidence. Ready for the journey? Fasten your seatbelts, and let’s go!


Exposing the Imposter

While we've identified the Imposter within, its true nature remains elusive. But there is nothing to worry about as we are about to dissect its various disguises:

1) The Perfectionist: Here, the Imposter thrives on impeccability, setting impossible standards and constantly criticising any perceived flaws. At times, even success feels like a failure because it’s never enough.

2) The Expert: Here, the Imposter craves absolute knowledge, fearing any gap in understanding could expose their inadequacy.

3) The Soloist: Here, the Imposter shuns collaboration, believing they must achieve everything alone to prove their worth. They hesitate to ask for help.

4) The Superhuman: Here, the Imposter juggles multiple roles, pushing themselves to exhaustion. They fear letting anyone down and neglecting their own needs, eventually leading them to feel burnt out.

5) The Natural Genius: Here, the Imposter believes intelligence comes effortlessly. They avoid challenges, fearing failure could shatter the illusion of effortless brilliance.

Several factors cause this:

  • Upbringing: Overly critical or perfectionistic parents can instil self-doubt and fear of failure.

  • Societal Expectations: Societal pressures to achieve success fuel this self-comparison and inadequacy.

  • Comparison: Comparing ourselves to others breeds insecurity and undermines confidence.

Impacts of Imposter Syndrome:

  • Reduced Productivity: Fear of failure hinders taking risks and pursuing goals.

  • Mental Health Issues: Fuels anxiety, depression, and feelings of worthlessness.

  • Relationship Challenges: Leads to isolation, impacting personal and professional connections.

Always remember that you are not alone in this battle. Recognising these different forms and their causes empowers you to take back control.


Tools to Slay the Imposter

We have identified the Imposter’s disguise and its sneaky tactics. Now it is time to fight back, and here are the valuable tools to help you claim your rightful place as a capable and confident individual in the workplace:


Finding Strength in Togetherness

You are not meant to battle against all this alone!

  • Share Experiences: Talking to friends, family, or even colleagues provides invaluable empathy and validation.

  • Feedback: A supportive network can offer objective feedback on your skills and achievements, eventually reminding you of your strengths and providing valuable encouragement when that self-doubt kicks in.

  • Celebrating Success: Share your success with your friends and colleagues. Their genuine celebration will boost you and your confidence right up.

  • Beyond friend circle: You can join online communities and forums dedicated to Imposter Syndrome. Connect with others who are facing similar challenges, which will foster a sense of belonging.

  • Seek Professional Help: Seek the support of therapists or counsellors. You can talk in a safe space and address deeper issues contributing to your self-doubt.


Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength and proactive self-care. Prioritise your well-being, and don't hesitate to connect with professionals who can guide you on your journey.


The Final Chapter

We know that Imposter within can be a persistent voice, though it does not define you. Imposter syndrome is a widespread phenomenon, impacting countless individuals across fields and backgrounds. You are not alone in this battle; around 70% of the people deal with this, but you have the power to overcome it.

Recollect the tools that we have explored earlier! Build your support system with friends and family or colleagues; don’t shy away from it.

You've got this! Remember, you were chosen for this because you have the skills and potential to succeed. Trust in yourself and your abilities, and keep pushing forward.

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