Flexible working isn’t a benefit it's just being pragmatic


I am now able to walk my daughter to school a few days a week.

It’s something which I haven’t been able to do in god knows how long and in short I cherish it.


During Covid I have learned for both myself and my team that we can make adjustments to the working environment and it not affect performance.

This could be start times, remote working whatever it’s not something we really looked into previously.

You see letting someone start at 9.30 so they can go to the gym first thing in the morning as this is what sets them up for a successful day is fine and hey maybe staying a little later might work better with candidates anyway.

Or it could be letting a trusted member of the team work from home Wednesday/Friday so they can reduce their child care costs and manage their home life more effectively.

We are all different and with Boris’s confused statements around working from home/office/the end of the garden changing week to week we need to be flexible to support our team to do whats best for all.

Doing the best by your people ensures your team can do the best by you and thats what its all about.

Flexible working isn’t a benefit it's just being pragmatic.

#FlexibleWorking #DoYouReallyNeedToRideYourBikeToSchool

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